Promote Greater Lincolnshire

Attracting new inward investment to Greater Lincolnshire will help to deliver economic prosperity and create growth opportunities for businesses already established here.

Inward investment is welcomed across all our industry sectors. However, our promotional activities are focused on our priority sectors, selected on the basis of regional competitive advantage, anticipated high growth, and the potential to create substantial wealth and high-quality jobs into the future.

Team Lincolnshire Ambassadors are invited to support Greater Lincolnshire’s campaign to attract new inward investment to the region.

Take Action to Promote Greater Lincolnshire

Greater Lincolnshire’s priority sectors for inward investment attraction are promoted via the Invest Lincolnshire website. As a valued Team Lincolnshire Ambassador, we invite you to:

  • Learn about Greater Lincolnshire’s location benefits for businesses in our priority sectors
  • Advocate Greater Lincolnshire’s location and industry sector benefits to your business and other contacts, including prospective inward investors
  • Download and Share our industry sector ‘Investment Opportunity’ brochures (for investing businesses) and our ‘Place to Live, Work and Enjoy’ brochure (for relocating personnel and their families).  See the links below

Other key Greater Lincolnshire investment themes and opportunities include:

Support for Businesses Investing in Greater Lincolnshire

A range of services are potentially available to businesses across all industry sectors - both Greater Lincolnshire-based or relocating here - to support investment projects. Contact us to find out more.