Midlands Contractor Raises Money for Life-saving Charity with 100km Challenge

Published: 9th May 2024

Aortic dissection charity hike

G F Tomlinson colleagues are donning their hiking boots to complete the Lake District ‘Ultra Challenge’ in June, raising money for the Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust.

Already under way with training, site managers Ed Smith and Phil Laverick will be walking 100km in 24 hours as part of the challenge, crossing the complex terrain of the Lake District on 8th and 9th of June. 

The Team Lincolnshire Ambassador announced the Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust as its chosen charity of the year back in January and alongside the Ultra Challenge, the company will be hosting a variety of events over the next 12 months to raise further funds for the trust’s research. 

Aortic dissection is a serious heart condition caused by a partial tear in the wall of the aorta, which prevents blood supply and can lead to the rupturing of organs. 

Seventy people are diagnosed with the condition each week in the UK and Ireland and the survival rate is only 50%. 

The trust aims to help raise awareness and funding for research into early detection, supporting prevention, treatment, and cures for the condition, which if diagnosed and treated in time, can have an 80% survival rate.

Senior site manager Phil Laverick said: “While this Ultra Challenge is going to be a mammoth undertaking, it is a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness for the Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust. 

“Ed and I are currently training hard for this event and adding up the blisters by the week. We look forward to 8th June and thank you for your support.” 

Patron of the Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust Pauline Latham said: “I would like to thank G F Tomlinson for their fundraising efforts on behalf of the Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust. This fundraising will help the trust develop further research to improve diagnosis, save lives, and raise awareness of this little-known condition. 

“G F Tomlinson has already done so much for this cause, and once again, I am very grateful for their support.” 

The Chairman of G F Tomlinson, Andy Sewards, said: “We are delighted to be supporting the Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust as our chosen charity for 2024. When Patron Pauline Latham contacted us back in January, we were only too happy to get involved and help create a greater awareness of this serious medical condition, to improve prevention, diagnosis, treatment and ultimately, survival rates for over 3,500 sufferers every year. 

“As well as the sterling efforts of Ed and Phil, the company has an extensive programme of fundraising events organised throughout the year including a charity quiz night, raffle, and staff sporting events.” 

You can support Ed and Phil’s efforts to raise money for the Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust here