Unlocking BNG in Lincolnshire

Date: 19th November 2024.

Location: The Hub
Food Enterprise Zone
Cibus Way
PE12 7FH

Cost: Free to attend

Time: 09:30 - 11:30

bng event

An event covering the practical aspects of Biodiversity Net Gain for developers.

Join us as we partner with Roythornes Solicitors for a morning of practical guidance and insight on Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)

With expert speakers from Lincolnshire County Council, Roythornes Solicitors and Green Investment in Greater Lincolnshire, we'll explore BNG - what it means and how developers can avoid potential pitfalls and maximise opportunities.

In a packed morning, we'll be covering:

  • Overview of BNG Policy and Local Nature Recovery in Lincolnshire
  • Overview of BNG and the Planning Process
  • Common Pitfalls to avoid when assessing BNG Needs
  • How to secure good value BNG units
  • Legal agreements and contracts in BNG
  • Q&A

The morning starts with an informal breakfast, followed by presentations and discussions from our teams.

There will be plenty of time for questions and comments from the floor.

This event is aimed at developers and those directly impacted by BNG regulations, as such these ambassadors will be given priority places. Register for your place here.