Focus on Logistics: with the Centre for Food & Fresh Produce Logistics

Date: 6th February 2024.

Location: Centre for Food & Fresh Produce Logistics
Boston College
Skirbeck Road
PE21 6JF

Cost: Free to attend

Time: 12:00 - 14:00


Join us as we partner with Boston college and The Centre for Food and Fresh Produce Logistics for an insightful update into the Logistics sector.

Delegates will hear from industry experts at Gist Ltd who will cover the following topics:

  • Logistics and its contribution to the local economy
  • Type/volume of work we do
  • New technology
  • Environment agenda
  • Career progression – case study: how Ben personally entered the industry (though apprenticeship scheme) and the role he has developed into
  • Career progression – case study: how Tom personally entered the industry (from warehouse shopfloor) and the role he has developed into
  • Career opportunities in the industry
  • Sustainability
  • Overview of Warehouse Management and activity

Hear from Dr Tony Clark and Amy Mumby from the University of Lincoln as they discuss the global disruptions which have highlighted the fragile nature of supply chains and talk about lessons that can be learnt from from the Defence community about supply chain resilience.

The event will include a networking lunch provided by the catering students at Boston College and there will be an opportunity to experience the colleges state-of-the-art HGV driving simulator using cutting-edge VR technology!

Agenda for the day:

12.00pm Arrival, lunch and networking
12.30pm Welcome from Fran East, Senior Place & Investment Officer and Sector Lead for Logistics at Lincolnshire County Council
12.35pm Introduction from George Bell – Boston College Employment Engagement Manager
12.45pm Focus on Logistics from Gist Ltd: Tom Lewis – General Manager, Ben Lawrence – Logistics Manager, Wendy Fowler Regional HR Manager 
1.05pm University of Lincoln – Dr Tony Clark, Senior Lecturer in Logistics Management & Amy Mumby, Deputy Head of Department and Director of Online & Flexible Learning
1.15pm Future Technology for Logistics – a chance to experience Boston College’s cutting-edge VR and HGV simulator technology
2.00pm Close

To secure your place on this event email Team Lincolnshire by Thursday 1st February, stating any dietary requirements.

Speaker Bio's

Dr Tony Clark, Senior Lecturer in Logistics Management / Programme Leader, University of Lincoln

Dr Tony Clark holds the role of coordinating the Work Based Distance Learning Team for the Academic year 23/24. Tony has taken a lifelong journey to gain his higher educational qualifications. These have been gained while studying in a workplace and through distance learning. Tony completed his Master’s degree in International Supply Chain and Logistics Management with Glamorgan University in 2013. Tony then went on to complete his PhD With the University of Lincoln studying military logistics. The thesis title was An Unappreciated Field of Endeavour: The development of a conceptual framework to explore the Expeditionary Supply Chain of the UK Military and the role of adhocracy as a dynamic capability for competitive advantage. Current research is exploring the skills behaviours and attitudes of the future military logistician as well as the role of building resilience in the military supply chain. Recent work has seen him working closely with the military in developing new programmes at the under and post graduate level.

Department Responsibilities
Dr Clark acts as the academic lead for Work Based Distance Learning. His current responsibilities including teaching on postgraduate modules and supervises a number of masters dissertation students with a focus on military logistics. His responsibilities include working closely with military partners to deliver accredited and shared programmes. He is currently the link tutor with DCLPA working with the teaching teams delivering the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force logistics courses.

Subject Specialisms
Dr Clark is recognised within the Defence logistics community and has written in several practitioner journals with a focus on Defence resilience and competitive advantage. He has also presented at several conferences offering views on lessons learnt from military resilience in logistics.

PhD Logistics - University of Lincoln 2022

Mrs Amy Mumby, Deputy Head of Department and Director of Online & Flexible Learning, University of Lincoln

Responsible for leading LIBS flexible and diverse provision developing, maintaining employer and university partner relationships, and ensuring students met their learning outcomes within a safe environment. With an MSc in Leadership and Management, possessing well developed skills in organisational strategy, and delivering positive academic and business outcomes. PhD research examines Burnout within Higher Education from a Management perspective.

Department Responsibilities
Deputy Head of Department Director of Diverse and Flexible Provision Associate Professor.


  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy - HEA 2017
  • Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age (TELEDA); social media and e-resources - University of Lincoln 2015
  • Qualified Teaching and Learning Status (QTLS) - IFL 2013
  • Professional Graduate Cetificate in Education, (Lifelong Learning Sector) - The University of Huddersfield 2012
  • Master of Science (MSc), Leadership and Management - The University of Huddersfield 2010
  • BA(Hons) Business Management - The University of Hull 2008


  • Teaching Excellence Award - University of Lincoln 2017