Team Lincolnshire Annual Conference

Date: 17th October 2023.

Location: Hemswell Court
Lancaster Green
Hemswell Cliff
DN21 5TQ

Cost: Free to attend

Time: 09:00 - 13:00

Annual Conf 23

We are delighted to announce our first Annual Conference, sponsored by Team Lincolnshire ambassador Pygott & Crone, is taking place at Hemswell Court.

Join us at Hemswell Court for this exclusive Team Lincolnshire Ambassador only event. 

This half day event will comprise of two prestigious keynote speakers: Dean Richards, Rugby Union legend and Stuart Henry, former head of Orange Telecoms who will be asking the question 'Why do teams often fail to deliver what’s required of them and why do so many companies operate in functional siloes?'

If you ask anyone about collaboration, the general sense tends to be that it is a positive thing whether in your personal or professional life. So, if it is seen as a positive attribute, why do we spend so little time focusing on it and next to no time coaching people on the skills behind it?

If we all think hard enough, we can probably think of at least one team that seems to consistently perform at a level beyond most others. What is about these teams that sets them apart? Why do they succeed and how do they maintain their higher performance levels?

In their speech, Dean & Stuart look at the issues around collaboration and cover off the benefits and upsides of making it work. They go on to discuss how simple changes in day-to-day behaviours and attitudes can have a radical impact on how individual teams perform – both within the team unit and the wider organisation.

Delegates will also hear from Tony Reynolds, Inward Investment Manager at Lincolnshire County Council. Tony heads up Team Lincolnshire and will be discussing what the future holds for Team Lincolnshire including the new 2023-25 business plan. Tony will also be updating on some exciting inward investment plans.

The event will be wrapped up with a delicous networking lunch. To book your place please RSVP by Friday 29th September advising of any dietary requirements.

Keynote Speaker Bio's

Dean Richards

Following an illustrious career in international rugby union with England and the British and Irish Lions, Dean made the move into club management and went on to become one of the most recognisable and successful coaches in the game. As a player he read the game like few others and was invariably in the right place at the right time. As a coach he gave clarity to individuals, teams, and clubs to ensure that they could achieve and often exceed their goals.

Throughout his career, Dean has focused on culture, strategic development, clarity of communication, roles and responsibilities, thinking under pressure, resilience, problem solving, change management and succession planning, all of which resonate hugely in the business sector.

He is very clear about the significant crossover between sport and business, and he is determined to share his experience in order to help businesses improve their performance.

With a locker full of stories and experiences, Dean is one of the most popular after dinner speakers on the circuit and he is now editing and curating the more appropriate stories and learnings to share in his keynote speeches.  With a natural wit and self-deprecating style, he’s able to convey critical messages in an informative, engaging, motivating and humorous way.

When not working, he still undertakes various fund-raising efforts for charity and enjoys all sports including soccer, squash, horse racing, and cycling.

Stuart Henry

Stuart Henry is an inspirational storyteller who combines natural humour with his diverse experience to deliver insightful and engaging keynotes.

He is passionate about helping individuals, teams, and businesses to plot their path and enabling them to exceed their expectations. His natural, innovative big picture approach can be distilled into simple steps that allow people and teams to contribute to the success of the overall business.

Regardless of his formal roles, his focus has always been on people, and he is absolutely committed to helping people and teams to become better versions of themselves.

He speaks with clarity, insight, and passion about how people’s values and behaviours impact those around them and how simple, subtle changes can radically improve teamwork and outcomes.

If there’s one thing Stuart would like to share with you it’s his absolute belief that everything could be so much easier if we all just cut through the noise and avoid the nonsense.