CATCH - Members

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CATCH is a leader in skills, apprenticeships, and competency, driven by our industrial members and rooted deeply in industry.

CATCH was established in 1999 to support the £6 billion Humber chemical and process sectors.  Our state-of-the-art training centre was launched in 2006. And we introduced CATCH Skills in 2017 and CATCH Apprenticeships in 2021, marking a new era of industrial training and development.

A champion for clean industrial growth, CATCH are leading the UK’s largest industrial cluster. Our purpose is twofold: to function as a national technical skills centre and to be an industry hub for membership and supply chain services. Our mission is to empower the Humber, Yorkshire, and Lincolnshire region, and beyond, by offering unparalleled membership support and progressive training development programs. We will continue to grow and shape our world-class facilities for future talent development and enhanced membership services.

Our Stallingborough facility near Grimsby is a cutting-edge, safe training space resembling real-world industrial plant & equipment. Featuring a three-story process plant, control room, tank farm, process simulator, and various industrial training zones and classrooms. Over the past decade, our facilities have been at the forefront of industrial skills training. We offer practical, real-world training that meets industry needs and attracts learners globally.

Our Members come from diverse sectors like engineering, renewable energy, and processing. They benefit from networking, meeting regulations, collaborating on projects, and making their voice heard. We support members by partnering with key industry players at all levels. Applications are welcome from Client and supply chain companies.

Our apprenticeship program is quickly gaining recognition as an industry leader. Our courses, tailored to industry needs, range from process manufacturing to welding and engineering technician roles.

In collaboration with ConCom, we're dedicated to improving contractor competency in the Humber Bank process industries through audits, best practices, and targeted training.

We are keen to work with local partnerships and organisations responding to industries needs and working with inward investors.

Web Address
Katie Hedges
Job Title
Director of Membership & Low Carbon Strategy
01469 552840
Stallingborough, North East Lincolnshire