William Saunders - Members
William Saunders is an award winning multi-disciplinary practice of architects, engineers, and related construction disciplines, providing a comprehensive professional service to clients across all sectors.
We are proud to have supported public and private sector organisations in the Lincoln and Greater Lincolnshire area with projects as diverse as:-
schools and university developments,
waste management,
sports and leisure,
retail and town centre regeneration,
commercial, distribution and industrial workspaces,
community and heritage buildings, and
highways and ports.
We are delighted to continue our support of Team Lincolnshire, a far sighted organisation and collaboration between the public and private sectors, and to share the common aspirations of raising the profile of the county and it’s manifold opportunities and being a voice to pursue the delivery and enhancement of the wider infrastructure and built environment requirements necessary to support the area’s economy. - Web Address
- https://www.wm-saunders.co.uk/
- Name
- Alex Gibson
- Job Title
- Chief Executive, William Saunders
- alex.gibson@wm-saunders.co.uk
- Telephone
- 01636 704361 / 07921 924144
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/william-saunders
- https://www.twitter.com/wmsaundersLLP
- Location
- Newark